Wednesday, May 18, 2011

It’s a Bi-Polar World After All…

My apologies to those of you who have subjected yourselves (or been forced to be subjected by an insistent child) to the Small World ride at Disneyworld – because you probably have a certain tune now pierced into your head like a talon (and it never leaves! For days!) Force yourself to think of something else. Here, I’ll help: Why is Jarick and Janthine’s world so messed up? I thought who better to explain it than an actual denizen of that world – the master Alchemist Thrannynn! You can read his notes under the "World of Mortar & Pestle" link to the right and gain a rare, behind-the-scenes look at what awaits within the novel. Enjoy!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

God may have done it in six days - mine's taking a little longer...

Done what in six days? What am I blathering about? World-building, of course. It may have started on earth, but when you write Fantasy, strange things happen along the way. Sometimes I feel like I'm in control of creation, but other times the world takes on a life of its own and we just have to try and hang on for dear life...Such is the case with my current project - Mortar & Pestle and the Nightmare Plague, a middle grade novel in which a brother and sister, Jarick and Janthine Grimes, must confront deadly forces on a bi-polar world. Split-personality earth? Well, their world has a north and south pole, so I guess bi-polar is accurate...but no! I have given it a split personality (poor thing), and no fun for the people living on it! To find out what's going on there, I will have a link put up soon for you to check out, and I will post more about the book's publishing as new updates come in. Thanks!