Monday, November 3, 2014

Latest Story Now Here!

My newest short story, published in the 2014 Anthology "Here's to Halloween", has been added to the Short Stories tab above. It's also been entered in the Horror Writer's Association contest for the Bram Stoker award. Head on over and read it, and let me know what you think!

Monday, September 15, 2014

More Encouragement for FAMILIAR!

I received this reply today from an agent at Greenhouse Literary:

"I'm reading FAMILIAR now and enjoying it. The actions sequences are so marvelously choreographed, and there's such a rich world here. I'm about halfway through the manuscript and looking forward to reading more..."

Cautiously hopeful!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

But 'The End' is Never That

Efforts are underway to get 'Familiar' published. It's a long process and can get discouraging, but sometimes tiny glimmers show up to keep the hope alive. The novel got a wonderful comment from KJ Alexander at HarperCollins' Authonomy website:

     "This is an excellent book. Easy to read but eloquent. I loved the poetry which was beautifully written. For a fantasy world everything made sense without needing lengthy explanations. Lorgun was a nice blend of tough guy who's seen the worst but still has a sweet child-like innocence."

The business side of writing can be draining, but comments like this make us remember why we do it in the first place - to invite people to share our wonderfully realized worlds, and perhaps give them a new perspective on their own.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

I've Reached 'The End'!

I'm pleased to say the manuscript for "Familiar" is finished! Very happy with the results, and have begun working on the sequel. Now, to find an agent/publisher. Check out chapter 1 of the novel at the link above!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

My Short Story Now Posted Here

I've been striving to make this site the home for all my writings, so I've given the story that's found in the Handful of Halloween anthology it's own page here. If you wish to read it, click on the {} in the above bar, and comment on it if you feel so inclined. Enjoy!